Saturday, October 13, 2012


I live in a region called Cascades and this is why.  I got to visit Takeledougou a few weeks ago, there is a married couple of volunteers there.  We biked about 15 minutes to the falls, then went back and made some fajitas with the tortilla press that was left at my house.  After dinner, we went to a talent show that the village put on and I got to sit in the front row and drink a cold coke.  My life is really difficult here.

This is the view looking out away from the falls.  The region is very hilly and here you can see in the distance the valley with one of the only sugar cane fields in Burkina.  Many people here go every year during the harvest season to harvest sugar cane in the Ivory Coast.

There is a platform above the falls here that we all stood on.  The camera is about 50 feet away and I barely made it running during the 10sec timer.  Im on the left, the 3 on the right are volunteers leaving the country in the next couple of months.  It was interesting being the new guy around the volunteers who had aready been here for 2 years.  In the middle we have a couple of friends, one Burkinabe and on Portuguese, who work for NGOs around the country. 

There are more cascades in the region, cant wait to visit those too!