This is my house in Siniena. I will be very comfortable there. It's hard to see the shower room, but that's what the dark room is. I say shower, naturally I mean the bucket-bath room, not to be confused with a bucket bathroom, which would be uncomfortable. I now have about 3 weeks left in training. I'm going to be so sad to leave my host family behind, but so happy to begin integrating in my community in Siniena. This is the land of mangoes, so be jealous. The fruit is bountiful and meat should be pretty available, so I will be in pretty good shape health and nutrition-wise. We even get a class on how to cook here and some good American-style recipes that other volunteers have come up with. When I get more internet I will do a big post on my host family with pictures. BTW I'm doing awesomely
That's great Barry...I'm so proud of you.